Contact Lens for Amazon Connect - Quick Start

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What do we do?

We deliver a proof of value with Contact Lens, ensuring that you achieve the maximum outcomes, getting under the skin of your key CX and EX insights to drive innovation and iterative change, whilst helping to inform how best to move forward with conversational analytics in your contact centre.

What's the process?

This is typically an 8-week collaborative process, and includes the following stages:


Define your use case objectives and agree the proof of value success criteria.


Take a sample of your historical interactions and feed them through Amazon Transcribe Call Analytics.


Customise Contact Lens to AWS Best Practice, ready for live deployment in your contact centre.


Run Contact Lens for an initial 4-week period, supported by a call each week to report back on high level insights, outcomes, and trends.


Our team will prepare a proof of value report and business case for the continued use of Contact Lens and future optimisations.

Ready to go ahead now?

Simply visit our AWS Marketplace listing to buy now. Please note that you will need your AWS Account login details to proceed.

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