IntegrationHub logo

The integration platform for zoom.

Say hello to IntegrationHub. Our secure & scalable integration solution for Zoom Contact Center, Zoom Phone, and Zoom Virtual Agent.
IntegrationHub connects Zoom with the tools you already use.

Unify your business applications with Zoom Contact Center, Phone, and Virtual Agent.

Hundreds of millions of users trust Zoom for communication and collaboration. And whilst a wide variety of native integrations exist across the Zoom platform, what if the back-office tools you're using aren't natively supported? What if you have a specific integration use case?

That's where IntegrationHub comes in. A unique integration platform enabling secure connection between Zoom and virtually any third-party tool or API, supporting a variety of business use cases.

IntegrationHub is securely cloud hosted, and significantly reduces the time it takes to configure and launch third-party and custom integrations with Zoom.

IntegrationHub Flow

Example Use Cases.

Ticketing & CRM

ticket icon

Automated interaction logging, click to call, ticket creation, screen pop.

Zoom Apps

Zoom apps icon

Surface information from back-office tools via custom apps in Zoom's interface.

Knowledge Sync

Books and lightbulb icon

Leverage knowledge content for customer self-service, and agent assistance.

Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)

headset icon

Embed Zoom Contact Center and Zoom Phone into your CRM or Service platform.

Adoption Accelerators

dial on max icon

Tools to help organisations migrate faster and maximise return on investment.

Address Book Sync

address book icon

Synchronise contacts from third-party tools such as Microsoft and Google.

Clock icon
Fast & cost-effective custom integration
Screen with settings and cloud icon
Secure cloud-hosted infrastructure
Person surrounded by linked nodes icon
Multiple use cases supported
Settings cog with increasing trend line icon
Unify Zoom with your business applications

Solution examples.

Zoom Apps
Microsoft Teams icon

Directory for Microsoft Teams

Sync and surface your Microsoft Teams users' contact details and presence status to Zoom Contact Center & Zoom Phone users inside the Zoom interface. Improving experiences for customers and users.

Find out more
Microsoft Teams Directory screenshot
Ticketing & CRM
Gorgias icon

Gorgias & Zoom Integration

Provides call activity logging, click to call, automated ticket creation, ticket amendment, call recording & transcription logging, to improve agent efficiency and reporting accuracy.

Find out more
Gorgias integration screenshot
Shopify icon

Shopify & Zoom Integration

Provides everything you need to connect Shopify to Zoom Contact Center, enabling the implementation of multiple CX and automation use cases, to improve experiences and drive-up efficiency.

Find out more
Microsoft Teams Directory screenshot

Case Study

Find out how we saved an online retailer £20k+ per month with Zoom Phone & Gorgias.

Find out more

Gorgias integration screenshot

Built by the world's very first Zoom CX Competency Partner.

Not content with being the UK's first Zoom Contact Center partner, we also become the first in the world to achieve the Zoom Customer Experience Partner Competency!

Zoom Solution ProviderZoom Up Partner Program - Gold ResellerZoom Authorised Reseller
Technical Sales - Zoom Contact CenterTechnical Sales - Zoom Virtual AgentTechnical Sales - Zoom PhoneZoom Customer Success Management
Deployment Advanced - Zoom Contact CenterDeployment Advanced - Zoom Virtual AgentDeploment Advanced - Zoom Phone

Looking for Zoom integrations?

Look no further. Contact us to discuss your integration requirements for Zoom Contact Center, Virtual Agent, and Phone.

Manchester worker bee
Made in Manchester
Location IconManchester, United Kingdom
© 2024 Acceleraate Limited | Company # 14383406 | VAT # GB427726283
Part of Founded Group Limited
Zoom and the Zoom logo are trademarks of Zoom Video Communications, Inc