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We're proud to be a Zoom Gold Partner.

We're a Zoom Solution Partner, Zoom Authorised Reseller, and the world's first Zoom CX Competency Partner.

Power all your voice, CX and collaboration needs on a single platform.

When you think of Zoom, you probably think of video meetings, but today it is so much more than that. Built from the ground-up Zoom provides a frictionless, omnichannel communication and collaboration platform, delivered in a single, familiar application.

Whether it's business phone, chat, AI, contact centre, mail & calendar, webinars, events, or meetings Zoom is truly the cloud platform for integrated collaboration and customer service transformation.

Zoom Platform Graphic

Say hello to the Zoom suite.

We'll help you reimagine how your teams work and communicate with Zoom's AI-powered collaboration and customer experience platform

IntegrationHub for Zoom.

Acceleraate's unique integration platform enables secure connection between Zoom and virtually any third-party tool or API, supporting a variety of business use cases.

IntegrationHub Flow

We're a fully certified, and Zoom approved partner.

We were the UK's first Zoom Contact Center partner, and the first in the world to achieve the Zoom Customer Experience Partner Competency!

Zoom Solution ProviderZoom Up Partner Program - Gold ResellerZoom Authorised Reseller
Technical Sales - Zoom Contact CenterTechnical Sales - Zoom Virtual AgentTechnical Sales - Zoom PhoneZoom Customer Success Management
Deployment Advanced - Zoom Contact CenterDeployment Advanced - Zoom Virtual AgentDeploment Advanced - Zoom Phone

Get started with a call

If you're looking for more efficient and effective customer and staff experiences, our team of experts is here to help.

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Made in Manchester
Location IconManchester, United Kingdom
© 2024 Acceleraate Limited | Company # 14383406 | VAT # GB427726283
Part of Founded Group Limited
Zoom and the Zoom logo are trademarks of Zoom Video Communications, Inc