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Shopify integration accelerator for Zoom.

Our Shopify accelerator provides a quick and easy way to get started with integrating Zoom Contact Center and Shopify. And it's free!
Easily integrate Shopify & Zoom Contact Centre.

Connect Shopify & Zoom Contact Centre in less than 30 minutes.

The accelerator provides Zoom Contact Centre clients with a quick and easy way to securely access Shopify customer and order data, enabling a personalised experience, and improved advisor efficiency across all contact channels.

This easy to use connector provides instant and secure access to your customer's details when they start a call or chat with your Zoom Contact Centre advisors.

Screenshot of Shopify Accelerator in use on a website with Zoom Contact Center chat
Stopwatch icon
Time to deployment
Approx. 30 minutes
Pound sign in label icon
Cost of solution
Free of charge
Icon of settings cog sitting in an open hand
Solution provider
Acceleraate Ltd.

Supported use cases.

Once connected, you'll be able to implement multiple CX use cases, such as...

Icon of 2 location pins joined with a winding line

Personalised Customer Routing

By understanding who the customer is when a call or chat conversation arrives, you can ask Zoom Contact Centre to route them differently. This could for example provide priority routing for high value customers.

Icon of person inside a tracking target

Identity & Verification (Automation)

Using customer data from your Shopify instance enables you to create automated journeys in Zoom Contact Centre, such as building a chat flow to identify and verify customers before you hand them to an advisor.

Icon of a location icon on top of a package box

Order & Delivery Tracking (Automation)

You could use your Shopify orders data points to provide automated responses via voice and chat. Once the customer has been identified, provide live information on the status of their order, its whereabouts, and the ETA.

IUcon of a settings cog with warning, ok, cancel icons surrounding it

Improved Advisor Context

The advisor also receives additional context in Zoom Contact Centre, using the information from Shopify, enabling your advisors to answer queries faster, improving first contact resolution, and building better customer relationships.

Built by the world's very first Zoom CX Competency Partner.

Not content with being the UK's first Zoom Contact Center partner, we also become the first in the world to achieve the Zoom Customer Experience Partner Competency!

Zoom Solution ProviderZoom Up Partner Program - Gold ResellerZoom Authorised Reseller
Technical Sales - Zoom Contact CenterTechnical Sales - Zoom Virtual AgentTechnical Sales - Zoom PhoneZoom Customer Success Management
Deployment Advanced - Zoom Contact CenterDeployment Advanced - Zoom Virtual AgentDeploment Advanced - Zoom Phone

Looking for Zoom integrations?

Look no further. Contact us to discuss your integration requirements for Zoom Contact Center, Virtual Agent, and Phone.

Manchester worker bee
Made in Manchester
Location IconManchester, United Kingdom
© 2024 Acceleraate Limited | Company # 14383406 | VAT # GB427726283
Part of Founded Group Limited
Zoom and the Zoom logo are trademarks of Zoom Video Communications, Inc