Zoom CXperience Lab (London) 24th October 2023

(3 min read)

Zoom Contact Center & Zoom Virtual Agent: Discovery & Development Workshop.

A one day hands-on workshop led by Acceleraate – the UK's first Zoom CX Competency Partner and supported by Zoom's own UK CX specialists.

Discover the art-of-the-possible for your organisation, and experience Zoom’s innovative, and fully-integrated approach to cloud contact centre, AI virtual agent, workforce engagement management, quality management, and hybrid virtual retailing.

Why attend?

This in-person discovery day will provide you with a practical introduction to Zoom Contact Center and Zoom Virtual Agent, encompassing cloud voice, chat, email, social and chatbots. 

  1. Get hands on with Zoom Contact Center and Zoom Virtual Agent

  2. Experience Zoom's fully integrated approach to hybrid virtual retailing and customer support

  3. Learn how Zoom's intuitive AI Companion helps to drive up agent efficiency and customer service performance

  4. Combine the benefits of cloud contact centre and smart AI

  5. See what’s possible for your organisation

What will you learn? 

The workshop is designed for customer service and contact centre leaders, IT decision makers, solution architects, engineers, existing phone and contact centre administrators, and business stakeholders who begin their Zoom CX journey with limited experience of Zoom Contact Center and Zoom Virtual Agent.

  • Zoom Contact Center overview and capabilities

  • Zoom Virtual Agent overview and capabilities

  • Zoom Events overview and capabilities

  • Navigating the Zoom Admin Portal

  • Building and evolving customer self-service

  • Building and evolving hybrid virtual experiences

  • Integrating Zoom with your other services

  • Generating and analysing Zoom platform MI & Analytics

Who should attend? 

Customer Service & Contact Centre Leaders, IT decision makers, Phone Administrators, Contact Centre Administrators, Solution Architects, Engineers, and business stakeholders who want to understand the value and scope of Zoom Contact Center, Zoom Virtual Agent and Zoom Events.

When & Where?

Date: Tuesday 24th October 2023

Time: 10:00-16:00

Location: Zoom HQ, Midcity Place, 71 High Holborn, London WC1V 6EA

Price to attend: Free of charge

Food and refreshments included through the day.

Come and join us, and see what Zoom Contact Center and Zoom Virtual Agent could do for your organisation!

This event happened in the past!

However, please feel free to pre-register for our next one. Date to be announced.

About the author

Ben Jemison
Ben JemisonLinkedIn icon
Technical Director & Co-founder
Acceleraate arrow icon
Ben has over 25 years software engineering, solution architecture, and product development experience across retail, telco, financial services, and government. His career includes Mission Labs, JD Sports, DWP, Home Retail Group. He leads on technology specification and selection, solution architecture, system integration, software engineering, and testing. Ben has extensive team management and client relationship experience and has led multiple large engineering teams both in the UK and offshore.
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