We deliver effortless customer service for retailers.

Drive your growth and customer loyalty whilst reducing costs through the combination of AI empowered technology and people.

Retail is facing its toughest challenge of the 21st century. Bigger than the pandemic.

With products and services commoditising so quickly, customer loyalty is at an all-time low. Consumers demand personalised and convenient interactions. In fact, more than that, they actually want to choose the experiences that retailers offer.

On top of this, retailers are expected to deliver year on year growth, and compete with new entrants, all whilst reducing costs during a period of economic uncertainty.

The challenge is real and some retailers haven't and won't survive. Make sure you're not one of them! Speak to us today.

Illustration of people shopping in a street

How we help

Benefits we can deliver


Up to
of contact


The true
reasons for
contact &
take action


efficiency by


Your best
sales & service
advisors with
smart AI


Agent churn

How we're different & why you shouldwork with us

Phone with checkmark icon
We have a passion for
blending people & tech.
So you get the maximum return
on your investment.
Retail shop icon
We know that
transformation is hard.
We're here to make it easier for you.
Retail basket icon
We partner with you for
the entire journey.
It's not only about quick wins,
we dig in where we need to.
Headset icon with number 24
We focus on creating value
for you.
Because doing right by you
keeps us in business.
Delivery box item
We have over 20 years experience
at the coal-face of retail & eCommerce.
Price tag icon

Our approach

Customer service problems call for straightforward answers. We pride ourselves on keeping things simple.

Ear icon
Eye icon
Head with cogs for brain icon
Lightbulb with arrow to settings cog icon
We fix customer service problems fast.
Manchester worker bee
Made in Manchester
Location IconManchester, United Kingdom
© 2024 Acceleraate Limited | Company # 14383406 | VAT # GB427726283
Part of Founded Group Limited
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